Aug 27, 2014

Call Emergency Ice If Your Ice Machine is Down

Commercial ice machines are used by many businesses like restaurants, bars, gas stations, hotels, and more, but they do not always hold up. Ice machines for establishment and event use are very large and can make large amounts of ice every hour. For an ice machine to work properly for long periods of time, they require regular maintenance and service by professionals. But when your machine hasn’t had proper service or needs to be repaired, you can’t stop daily business just because your commercial ice machine is down and you’re waiting for a repair man. To keep business going so you don’t lose money or customers, Emergency Ice can save your business; 1-hour ice delivery is our specialty!

If your ice machine starts having issues like insufficient flow of water to the machine, water leaking into the machine, water temperature is too high, or it starts to produce less and less ice, you are going to need repairs done. Before it is too late, give Emergency Ice a call; we can keep your business going with ice delivery in Dallas, Fort Worth, and anywhere in between.

With over 35 years serving the commercial industry with ice delivery service, Emergency Ice has gained a wealth of experience and knowledge in our customers’ needs and demands. We have everything to fit your commercial ice needs; from packaged ice to cocktail ice, block ice to dry ice, and even block ice and ice sculptures, no matter ice product needs of your business, Emergency Ice has your bag. We know ice and we know customer service, so you’ll get the ice product you need exactly how you need it!

So before you run too low on ice at your restaurant, bar, store, or hotel, contact us and we’ll keep the ice flowing so you can keep business going. If your commercial ice machine is down now, next week, or next month, call us or save our contact information so you and your business will be prepared for the unexpected melt down.

For Dallas ice delivery call 214.631.3535

For Emergency Ice delivery service call 1.800.400.8221