We have been in business since 1971. The company was founded by Paul Toler; he had a dream, one ice delivery truck, and a promise to guarantee expert ice services and premium customer service. We still carry the same business ethics and guarantee today.

At Emergency Ice, we are dedicated to providing as many necessary ice products Texas businesses and consumers need. We provide packaged ice, cocktail ice, block ice/carving blocks, concrete ice, dry ice, ice sculptures, ice trailers, snow ice, and shot blocks.

Within our multiple ice production facilities, we have access to more than 500 tons of daily ice production. We have locations that provide ice delivery in Fort Worth, Dallas, Arlington and Waco metro areas – we cover all of North Texas.

The core of our ice service is ice delivery. We are a commercial ice company that delivers ice for all types of businesses. 1-hour ice delivery is our specialty; it’s in our name – Emergency Ice. When companies like restaurants, bars, schools, events, and other establishments run out of ice or have issues with their ice machines, they can give us a call and we will deliver ice within 1 hour.

While packaged ice is the main part of our business, we provide additional ice products as well. The specialty ice products we supply include:

  • Dry ice
  • Blocks of ice
  • Carving Blocks
  • Ice sculptures
  • Shot blocks
  • Snow ice
  • Event Ice

At Emergency Ice, we have a production capacity of over 500 tons of ice per day. We also have the staff and transportation necessary to deliver large amounts of ice. We have ice delivery trucks that range from 8 feet to 24 feet with a capacity of 20,000 pounds, but we can handle more by using more than one truck for larger orders.

Yes, we have decades of experience providing ice products and ice delivery for special events of all sizes. Emergency Ice has been the ice company for all types of events throughout Dallas and Fort Worth areas. We have provided event ice services for well-known events such as PGA Golf Tournaments, NCAA Sporting Events, College Football Games, State Fairs, local festivals, school events, church events, concerts, and much more.

 Yes, through our subsidiary company Mr. Cool Snow Parties we provide snow party service throughout all of North Texas and Central North Texas. To find out more about snow parties, visit our DFW Snow Parties website.

Emergency Ice provides ice delivery in Dallas, Fort Worth, ArlingtonFrisco, and McKinney. If you are located in the Dallas Fort Worth metro area, we can deliver the ice products you need. If you are close to these areas but not sure if we deliver to your location, contact us; we would be glad to help you.

It can be difficult to determine the amount of ice needed for events, parties, or any business. We have a simple tool to help. Go to our Event Ice Calculator page and fill in the fields to find out a close approximation for the number of pounds of ice you will need.

To contact us to schedule an ice delivery service or for emergency ice (1-hour ice delivery), you can contact us by phone at 972.9880577 or complete our short contact form.

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FAQ #1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris turpis mi, fermentum quis tortor sed, pulvinar posuere nisl. Sed at ligula magna. Nullam dictum, ipsum ac egestas dapibus, mi est gravida urna, ut eleifend tellus massa non urna. Nunc a tristique risus. Pellentesque quis lorem in libero hendrerit porttitor sed vitae magna. Quisque nec iaculis ipsum, sed dapibus nulla. Fusce sit amet faucibus lorem, eget sollicitudin velit. Morbi efficitur laoreet tincidunt. Sed ultrices tincidunt metus, eu accumsan ipsum suscipit id. Nam id ipsum quam. Pellentesque in lorem eros. Etiam vitae turpis massa. Nunc imperdiet leo et felis porttitor fermentum. Donec luctus rutrum sapien ut elementum.

Our Best


Donec laoreet, arcu non suscipit scelerisque, orci est eleifend dolor, semper sagittis enim mi non eros. Curabitur consequat ante eu turpis sagittis, id faucibus velit commodo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed pellentesque accumsan lacus vitae tincidunt. Donec ut fringilla justo, quis ullamcorper nisi. Nam egestas iaculis leo, ut sollicitudin sapien laoreet at. Praesent imperdiet ultricies magna, quis faucibus diam rutrum at. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

World's Leading Ice

45years of experience

FAQ #2

Suspendisse a lectus id nibh gravida molestie. Fusce sit amet magna vitae neque viverra commodo. Morbi interdum venenatis ante, sodales facilisis est suscipit eu. Vivamus non odio urna. Nulla tellus nunc, congue vitae vulputate in, tempus vitae nunc. Nulla facilisi. Nullam tempus ullamcorper ipsum in semper. Donec venenatis tortor vitae neque fermentum vehicula. Vestibulum ultrices sit amet ligula non accumsan.

FAQ #3

Fusce nisl arcu, lobortis dictum mattis eu, tincidunt sit amet turpis. Vestibulum risus neque, mattis volutpat efficitur nec, finibus quis sapien. Proin aliquet nulla et justo venenatis imperdiet. Suspendisse rutrum lectus arcu, ut tristique elit sollicitudin eu. Nullam faucibus, felis eget pulvinar tempus, libero tortor aliquam arcu, eget consectetur orci erat tempus nisl. Nam consectetur quam in posuere rutrum. Ut semper convallis nisl, in hendrerit tellus hendrerit sit amet. Nullam sed dui at enim congue laoreet. Morbi justo orci, cursus faucibus dui a, interdum interdum neque. Integer id porttitor quam, at pharetra turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

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