It’s that time of year again. And though it’s unseasonably warm for this time of year, it should come as no surprise because it’s always unseasonably warm in North Texas. Frankly, we just don’t have that many seasons. But it is technically fall which means that there is a part of each of us that, deep down inside, longs for trees that do something in between sprouting leaves and dying, for the opportunity to drink hot cocoa without sweating bullets, or for the chance to dress up as anything that requires sleeves on Halloween. And we can do all of those things (okay, maybe not the tree thing) with the help of a rather cool invention that came along about two hundred years ago: ICE.
What Kind of Ice Is Required?
Whether it’s ice bags, blocks of ice, bulk ice, cocktail ice, ice sculptures, or packaged ice, ice can help Texas do the one thing that it simply cannot do alone: chill out. When you’re ready for the first party of the year that doesn’t involve swimming, you know what ice company to call to make all of your southern dreams of fall come true, but what will you do with said ice once it’s procured? Emergency Ice can help you out with that problem, too. This October, we bring you our four favorite ideas for a party that is sure to cool off the adults and wow the kids.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde—Using Bulk Ice and Dry Ice
To achieve the perfect mad scientist lair, you can purchase some inexpensive, plastic (or glass, for a grownup party) conical flasks, beakers, test tubes and more. Use dry ice in the larger beakers with brightly colored liquids to create a creepy, laboratory scene; the smaller containers can be used for regular drinks or shots (again, for adults). For the kids’ beverages, you’ll need to use some of the larger beakers or glass jars (apothecary jars also work well), drinks of your choice (Kool-Aid, Blue Hawaiian Punch, Red Fruit Punch—any brightly colored fruit-flavored drinks will work) and dry ice. Don’t worry too much about what you flavor the drinks for the kids are; they will be WAY more interested in the magical fog rising from their scientific punch bowls than what they’re actually drinking. For the ultimate creepy cocktail to serve to the grownups try this deliciously sinister recipe, called The Ghost:
- Club Soda
- Crushed Ice
- Cranberry Juice Cocktail
- Chambord Liqueur
- Black Vodka
- Dry Ice
- Blackberries for Garnish
In a shaker, half filled with ice, mix together equal parts Black Vodka, Chambord and Cranberry juice. Shake vigorously. Pour mixture into cocktail glass and top off with 1 part club soda, garnish with a blackberry, and serve. When you pour the beverage into the glass, the dry ice sticks to the bottom. Cheers!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire—Using Dry Ice
Admittedly, fire and ice are just that—total opposites—but if you have a child who likes Harry Potter or you once WERE a child who liked Harry Potter, then you’ll know that this book, in particular, had many frosty themes, from the goblet of fire itself (described as “a large, roughly-hewn wooden cup” that is “full to the brim with dancing blue-white flames”) to the Yule Ball (where the walls of the Great Hall have been covered in silver frost). Besides decorating your home with icy Yule Ball decor and treats, you can make a blue Goblet of Fire punch using Sprite, Blue Hawaiian Punch and dry ice, which you can order from Emergency Ice Dallas.
Frozen—Using Blocks of Ice
It might not be an ice palace in Arendelle, but ice delivery (blocks of ice in particular) could be the perfect addition to your Frozen-themed Halloween party. Parents who want to tire out their little ghosts and ghouls should let them try out Kristoff and Sven’s job for a few hours—that’s right; ice block pulls! DIY ice pull sleds have become a fun way to incorporate some cool games into a party that might otherwise involve your children eating a few pounds of sugar and bouncing off the walls until dawn. Along with your other Frozen decorations, you just need some wood, rope, a drill, and screws to create a very simple pull sled. Order some ice blocks from Emergency Ice Dallas, and you’ll have a very simple, inexpensive way to reenact the more active parts of Frozen. For complete instructions, go to And, if you have any leftovers, the big kids can always go ice blocking or carve a homemade ice luge once the little kids have crashed for the night.
The Wizard of Oz—Using Dry Ic
A Wizard of Oz Halloween party seems pretty self-explanatory. There are so many characters and costumes and species to choose from! But once everyone has chosen whether they’ll be donning ruby red slippers, a lion’s mane, both wings and a tail, or a glittery ball gown and wand, it’s time to have some fun with arguably the most famous line in The Wizard of Oz. Well, maybe it’s the most famous line after “There’s no place like home…” and “We’re not in Kansas anymore….” Oh, and the “lions and tigers and bears” part is pretty memorable…. Fine, obviously The Wizard of Oz is chock-full of famous quotes, but “I’m melting” is definitely in the top five. The Wizard of Oz came out in 1939, long before computers, green screens, or CGI, but images of the Wicked Witch of the West melting still stands out. Their secret? An elevator platform, a swoosh of air, a larger hat (to make it appear as if Margaret Hamilton was getting smaller) and dry ice. So, while we don’t really need to explain to you how to dress or decorate or what to serve at a Wizard of Oz-themed party, we can tell you that dry ice worked in the original. So, why mess with perfection? We will reveal that our favorite drink recipe for this type of party is called Brew-Ha-Ha Punch. It’s a delicious, fun drink that is kid-friendly, and if you float a tiny, little witch’s hat on top of this spooky, green cocktail, your guests might just have so much fun that they never go back to Kansas.